BBBS Board of Directors Meeting
Next meeting: Thursday, June 11, 2020 | 8:00am-10:00am | Zoom
Zoom Meeting Details:
Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 834 5700 4261
Password: 820374
(Full details are located in the calendar invite)
Agenda & Materials for June 11, 2020:
Welcome & Introductions
We will have our two board candidates joining us as guests on the call, DeMaka Davis and Autumn Russell. Their resumes are linked below, and while we do introductions in the beginning of the meeting, they will exit the call for the board discussion and vote.
Administrative Business
Where We Are Today
Review of current program numbers and key revenue/expense details
Summary of upcoming planning period focus areas
Focus Committees
Introduction of Committees and Timeline
BBBSA Virtual Conference Schedule
Board Candidates Discussion & Vote
Other Business
While we will be focusing on higher level revenue/expense details for our current FY, an initial cash flow projection through December 2020 is available here for your review.