Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of Greater Cleveland and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Delta Alpha Lambda Chapter are thrilled to announce its partnership with The Fishing Foundation, and the Cleveland Metroparks Youth Outdoors to host a free Big for a Day fishing event for youngsters, ages 8-17. The event aims to connect “Littles” and “Bigs” already in enrolled in program and matched, “Littles” enrolled in the program and waiting for a mentor, and “Bigs for a Day”, giving them a chance to hang out together fostering mentorship while providing a unique opportunity to learn about the art of fishing and outdoor exploration.
This is our first Big for a Day event in 2024. There's no long-term commitment required. Just a few hours of your time to share smiles, build memories, and make a lasting impact. We would love to have you there! (Sign up instructions below)
The event will take place on Saturday, May 11th from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at Camp George Forbes, 25440 Harvard Road, Highland Hills, OH 44122. Through hands-on activities, participants will learn basic fishing techniques, environmental conservation principles, and the importance of respecting aquatic habitats.
Sign up as:
Big for a Day
Youth Participant
Adult Participant
BBBS Match