Jessica Walters
President & CEO
Jessica joined BBBS of Greater Cleveland in December 2018. Previously, she was part of the Fundraising and Operations team at Junior Achievement of Greater Cleveland. She is also the current President of the Euclid Public Schools Alumni Association Board of Trustees.
Jessica met her Big Sister, Deborah, in 1994, and the two are still "matched" today. Jess loves books and horses as much as she did when they met, and still doesn't always turn things in on time.
Phone: (216) 452-5211
About Us:
The mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. In Greater Cleveland, we serve children and families living in Cuyahoga County. Our vision is that all youth achieve their full potential.
Our Staff:
Board of Directors
Board Chair
Chuck Cooke, Medical Mutual
Past Board Chair
Nitra Rucker, U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee
Executive Committee
R.M. “Mac” Biggar, Hanna Commercial
Jason Farro, Lighthouse Insurance Group
Tracy Lindberg, Ernst & Young
Steve Peterson, Eaton Corporation
Board Members
Harry Brownfield Jr., The Fedeli Group
Ed Cohn, United Midwest Savings Bank
Charles Cooke, Medical Mutual
DeMaka Davis, Cleveland Clinic
Heather Day, Progressive
Patrick Gannon, KeyBank
Amy Kubacki, Magnificat High School
Jason Di Marco, CHT Healthcare
Ed Frindt, IGM Resins
Adam Pajakowski, Crowe LLP
Matthew Rechner, McDonald Hopkins LLC
Autumn Russell, MAGNET
Bonnie Sherman, RGP
Dana Wolfe
Contact Us
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to contact us using this form, or using the information at the bottom of the page.